Φεστιβάλ Κορώνης / Koroni Festival 2019

Στην Ελεήστρια / At Eleistria 21:30

Κυριακή 4 Αυγούστου / Sunday 4 August, 21:30 hrs

“Violin dialogues”

Elena Ivanova (violin), Katja Kaminskaya (violin)

Elena Ivanova (violin)      Born in Kiev. After graduating from the National Music Academy of Ukraine P. I. Tschaikovsky with distinction (Prof. Y. Rivniak), she completed her master degree in solo performance at the Moscow State Conservatory of P. I. Tschaikovsky (Prof. A. Vinnitsky).

She has been awarded with the first prize at the XVI Chamber Music Competition in Thessaloniki, Greece and participated in prestigious Classical Music Festivals around Europe.

She has been a member of Kiev Chamber Orchestra (chief conductor R. Kofman), Ukraine, Verbier UBS Festival Orchestra (chief conductor J. Levine), Switzerland, P.I. Tschaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio (chief conductor Vl. Fedoseyev), Russia and collaborated with the Moscow Theater ¨Novaya Opera¨ of E. Kolobov in a leading position, as B´Concertmeister.

Currently is a permanent member of MusicAeterna Orchestra based in Perm, Russia, founded by the famous conductor Teodor Currentzis of greek descent. Elena is also a permanent member of a String Quartet formed by the orchestra soloists.

Katja Kaminskaya (violin)    Born in Kiev, Ukraine she received her first violin lessons in a state music school. After imigration to Greece, she continued her musical studies in Athens. Later she entered the Music Academy of Janacek in Brno (JAMU), Czech Republic and perceived mastering her solo. performance skills by attending seminars and violin courses in Germany, Denmark and Russia.

She has collaborated with Greek National Symphony Orchestra, ERT (National Radio of Greece) Symphony Orchestra, RTE Concert Orchestra in Dublin (Ireland), Hulencourt Symphony Orchestra in Brussels (Belgium), Al Bustan festival Symphony Orchestra in Beirut (Lebanon).

Katja has been a member of National Opera Orchestra, Athens Municipality Symphony Orchestra, Oviedo Filarmonía Orchestra (founded by Vl. Spivakov Virtuosi in the 90 ́) in Spain, Asturias and currently is a member of MusicAeterna Orchestra in Perm, Russia.

Amongst her musical activities are collaborations with chamber music ensembles and festivals around the world, recordings and participations in contemporary art productions. She is a member of Koroni Arts Festival since 2013.

Είσοδος / Entrance fee € 10 / € 8 / € 5

(κάτω των 18 είσοδος ελεύθερη / under 18 yrs free entrance)

Τα προπληρωμένα εισιτήρια θα έχουν έκπτωση /

Εισιτήρια προπωλούνται στο κατάστημα Αλντεμπαράν

Prepaid tickets will be discounted

Tickets available at Aldebaran shop, Koroni

www.koronifestival.gr / koronifestival@gmail.com
